It might be difficult to comprehend what is and is not covered by your auto insurance policy. Insurance coverage is typically not a worry until you need to have your windshield fixed or replaced. Most automobile owners, however, want to know if their windshield is protected when it is damaged.
Windshield damage is not covered by all insurance packages or forms of insurance. Find out what your comprehensive, collision and liability insurance will cover for windshield repair or replacement.

Comprehensive Car Insurance
Comprehensive Car Insurance frequently includes coverage for windshield scratches, chips, cracks, and shatters. Coverage often includes repairs and replacement for damage caused by a variety of factors, including storms and other natural disasters, deer or other animal collisions, vandalism or theft, rocks and gravel, hail, or ice. If the windshield was damaged due to a cause other than an automobile accident, comprehensive insurance is your best hope for getting the repair or replacement glass covered.
Contact your auto insurance carrier to check if your insurance covers automobile glass damage that was not caused by an accident, especially windshield repair.
Verify Your Insurance Deductible
Most comprehensive insurance packages that include auto glass coverage have quite large deductibles for auto glass. Some insurance exclusively applies the deductible to replacement windshields, not repairs. If you want to file a claim for windshield repair or replacement, be sure the deductible is less than the entire cost of the job. Check out if the insurance deductible for windshield replacement might be waived.
Modifications to Your Insurance Premium
If the damage was not caused by an accident, having your automobile glass fixed or replaced should not affect your insurance premium.

Full Glass Insurance Policy
Regards to comprehensive insurance, drivers can get complete glass insurance. It covers the cost of repairing or replacing a windshield without requiring a deductible.
Collision and Liability Insurance
When an accident causes damage to the windshield, collision and liability insurance cover the cost of repair or replacement. However, this is the only instance when it would be included.
Filing an Insurance Claim
To begin, it is preferable to make a claim for the work as soon as feasible. Next, your insurance company will let you know if it is covered by your policy. The agent may seek further information or an examination to determine the degree of the damage.
How to Select a Repair Service Provider
Consider that you have the option of choosing whatever company you want to repair your automobile. This is also true for automotive glass repair and replacement. Drivers are not restricted to service providers suggested by their auto insurance carrier or even inside its network. Select the collision repair or auto glass professional in your location who offers the most dependable service.
Whether you are looking for glass repair or replacement, you can trust the specialists at Mobile Safe Auto Glass. We also assist with your glass claim. For more information, contact us to get a free quote or fill out our simple online request form.